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Beth Johnson Foundation

Beth Johnson Foundation’s Bereavement Friendship Project offers free 1:1 telephone befriending and group social support opportunities for people aged 50+ living in Stoke-on-Trent or North Staffordshire. We can offer help with information on coping with both the emotional and practical aspects of losing a relative or friend; a chance to chat to trained volunteers; and an opportunity to meet others in a similar situation.

Our telephone befriending service offers a chance to chat to trained volunteers who can provide a listening ear and emotional support, helping you to re-connect and build up the confidence to join our groups.

The Bereavement Friendship Groups are developed on the basis of peer support, and create a social space where people are able to support each other. Our community groups meet once a month, or you can join our weekly online group using you computer, tablet or smartphone.

Contact Information
64 Princes Road, Stoke-on-Trent, England ST4 7JL
Opening Hours
All day
All day
All day
All day
All day