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Acacia Training

CV Writing Workshop: Crafting Your Path to Success

Are you ready to take the next step in your career but unsure how to showcase your skills and experience effectively?  Join our comprehensive CV Writing Workshop designed to equip you with the tools and knowledge to create a standout CV that captures the attention of employers.

This interactive workshop is tailored for job seekers, professionals considering a career change, students and recent graduates – anyone looking to refine their job application materials.

Our workshop is designed to be hands-on, ensuring you leave with a draft CV and the confidence to refine it.

Key interactive components include:

  • Live Demonstrations: See examples of strong CVs and breakdowns of what makes them effective.
  • Group Activities: Engage in exercises to identify and articulate your key skills and accomplishments.
  • Peer Review Sessions: Get feedback from fellow participants and provide constructive critiques.
  • One-on-One Consultations: Receive personalized advice from our facilitators on improving your CV.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with peers and professionals in a supportive environment
  • Resource Materials: Take home templates, checklists, and resources to aid in your CV writing journey.


Join us for this transformative workshop and take the first step toward securing your dream job. Transform your CV into a powerful tool that opens doors to new opportunities!

Contact Information
Bellringer Road, Trentham, England ST4 8GB
Opening Hours
All day
All day
All day
All day
All day