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Manna House Hanley

Homless Drop In We serve a breakfast to the homeless and vulnerable on Tuesday morning between 10am – 12noon. We also host a ‘Services Hub’ at the same. The ‘Hub’ includes representatives from various agencies offering: Housing advice and support; Benefit advice; Ex-offenders support; Mental Health advice and support; Addiction advice and support; Rough Sleepers Team; Hostel and Night Shelter Representatives; and Nursing and Podiatry Care.We are then open for a hot meal on Thursday evenings from 5.30pm – 9pm where our guests are provided with shower facilities to include clean underwear, socks, clothing, toiletries etc. A food lunch bag of sandwiches, Bag of basic provisions, Bedding and towels etc. The nurse and podiatrist are also available and a hairdresser drops in every 6 or 7 weeks providing a free haircut.

Contact Information
Opening Hours
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
5:30 pm - 9:00 pm