EPIC Housing is a small, community-based housing association providing homes at affordable rents across North Staffordshire.
We own just under 1,400 homes across North Staffordshire with properties in Stoke-on-Trent, Newcastle-under-Lyme, and the Staffordshire Moorlands. All our homes are charged at either social, affordable or intermediate rents and we work closely with local authorities and partners to ensure our homes help to meet the needs of local people. Over a quarter of our properties are made up of family-sized homes and we offer a mix of houses, flats, and bungalows.
Our Vision
Helping to develop vibrant communities in the areas of our homes.
Our Mission
Working to be a good landlord by:
- Providing quality housing services.
- Providing homes that are building safety compliant.
- Providing an effective responsive repair service.
- Providing a service developed with, and influenced by, our tenants.
- Responding to our tenants needs and feedback.
- Working in partnership with local landlords and community service providers.