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Mothers Mind Staffordshire

At Mothers Mind (Staffordshire) we offer services to help you on the road to recovery from maternal mental illness, in the prenatal and postnatal stage.

If you are a new mum, not feeling quite yourself,  have you recognised dips of low mood, tearful, anger, sadness and struggling to adapt to the transition of becoming a mother, please get in touch.

We offer a peer support service through lived experiences, providing a safe place to talk, gaining support and social connections.

We offer women regular weekly support, either face to face, online or by providing a well-being call or text. This is a confidential listening and planning service, working to increase resilience enabling you to access the most appropriate extending services to meet your current needs.

Mothers Mind (Staffordshire) work closely with other organisations and can assist where possible in accessing services which you many find helpful, encouraging you to establish contact.

Contact Information
Birches Head Road, Stoke-on-Trent, England ST2 8DD
Opening Hours
10:30 am - 11:30 am
9:30 am - 1:00 pm